Financial Reporting Events

Keep track of important developments in financial reporting and sign up for our events

Stay up to date on the latest IFRS® Accounting Standards and Swiss GAAP FER developments by attending our events and webinars.

Changes to financial reporting standards present significant challenges to preparers of financial statements. Our IFRS and Swiss GAAP FER experts understand the impacts from current and future changes and provide you with useful insights and guidance on adopting financial reporting and related processes accordingly.

Our events include financial reporting breakfasts, IFRS and Swiss GAAP FER intensive courses and webinars.

Register for our events and learn best practices and the latest standards in financial reporting. 

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Upcoming events

Financial Reporting Breakfasts 2021

Financial Reporting Breakfasts

Twice a year, we offer our Financial Reporting Breakfast at various locations to bring you up to date on the latest regulatory updates and developments for IFRS Accounting Standards and Swiss GAAP FER. 

Next events in October 2024

Financial Reporting Breakfasts 2021

Swiss GAAP FER Apéro

At our Swiss GAAP FER Apéro you will learn about the latest developments as well as the current challenges for users of Swiss GAAP FER. We will discuss current topics with guest speakers.

Next: September 2024

IFRS Intensive Course 

Does your company report in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards, or are you responsible for preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS? Is your company considering a move to IFRS? Or do you simply want to broaden or refresh your IFRS knowledge? Then PwC's intensive IFRS course is for you.

Next: June 2025

Swiss GAAP FER Intensive Course

The Swiss GAAP FER course is offered once a year in German in Zurich and in French in Geneva. In this course, we bring you, as a financial reporting professional, up to date with Swiss GAAP FER using concrete case studies.

Next: May 2025

Contact us

David Baur

Partner and Leader Corporate Reporting Services, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 26 54


Caroline Jahnert

Marketing Consultant, PwC Switzerland
