PSD2 (Payment Services Directive)

Up to speed on the EU’s revised Payment Service Directive

Define the new era of consumer-friendly payment services

PSD2 introduces significant innovation in legal and compliance, technology and security, and defines new roles and services in the payments market.

Our dedicated team of professionals has the fully integrated, multidisciplinary skills to help you respond to the entire range of issues related to PSD2. You also benefit from full support and continuous dialogue with the network and the market, and ongoing monitoring of regulatory updates (including, if you choose, a periodic email newsletter containing legal interpretations).

How we can help

Our team brings extensive legal, regulatory and compliance experience in financial services to help clients negotiate the risks and capitalise on the opportunities created by the new rules.

The auditing of annual reports and financial information is one of our core competencies – though naturally we can offer our clients much more. 

We help you define the scope of the services, products, processes and applications affected. This also means you’ll get guidance on interpreting the PSD2 regulations.

We do a high-level gap analysis with respect of the requirements previously covered by PSD, including local regulations, and taking the relevant legal and IT issues, processes and business areas into account.

We qualitatively determine the impacts in each area to give you a detailed picture of the critical gaps, actors and organisational structures involved, and an idea of the level of impact (high, medium or low).

We give you access to international surveys and comparisons with market benchmarks at EU level. We help you do an initial analysis of the new business opportunities and services and estimate the economic potential.

We help you define an action plan on a macro basis, including a prior estimate of the timeline and effort involved. We’ll also help you address the critical issues with workgroups and industry associations.

Research and insights

Catalyst or threat?

The strategic implications of PSD2 for Europe’s banks

Find out more

The Future of Banking

Innovation & Disruption in light of the revised European Payment Services Directive (PSD2)

Explore more


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Contact us

Philipp Rosenauer

Philipp Rosenauer

Partner Legal, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 18 56