CIO Survey

Benchmark your IT organisation!

The CIO Survey is PwC’s new and dynamic self-service benchmarking platform. You can compare your key IT performance indicators anonymously with other organisations based in Switzerland.

PwC’s new web platform enables you to directly access our benchmarking database and perform a dynamic evaluation of your most important KPIs. The access to your personal dashboard enables you to have a simple overview, which is continuously updated as the benchmarking database is being enriched with data over time. This makes not only a selective comparison possible, but also a comparison over a period of several years. PwC channels the existing benchmarking information and can offer it in a structured and simpler way. Our platform makes your benchmarking easier, faster and more efficient.

Target audience: CIOs, CTOs CxOs, heads of IT, IT management       

Time to complete: Approximately 45-60 minutes

Costs: Initial consulting & first 12 months are free of charge

Contact us

Rejhan Fazlic

Rejhan Fazlic

Partner and Technology Strategy & Transformation Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 1148