Batch IV is ready! F10 presents the new start-ups for its Accelerator Program

Christoph Schärer Tax and Legal Innovation, Transformation & Disruption Leader, PwC Switzerland 25 Nov 2018

15 high-potential Startups are invited to the HOME OF FINTECH to start the six-month «Prototype to Product» Program in Zurich. F10 is looking forward to seeing them grow and excel during the Masterclasses in close collaboration with the F10 Coaches, Corporate Members, and Mentors.


Batch IV will kick-off on the 3rd of December 2018 and will finish with the Demo Day on the 16th of May. Over 350 applicants from all over the world were interested in getting a spot in the program. After 60 online interviews and the Speed Dating of the selected Top 25, the F10 team and their Corporate Members (PwC Switzerland, SIX - the Swiss Stock Exchange, the Baloise Group, Julius Baer, Generali Group Switzerland, Raiffeisen, Zürcher Kantonalbank, eny Finance and ERI Bancaire) made a final decision. The following FinTech, RegTech and InsurTech Startups achieved the first milestone to transform their ideas into successful companies.

F10 is excited to spend productive, inspiring and great hours with Batch IV!

Who is the program for?

For international FinTech, RegTech and InsurTech Startups with, at minimum, a prototype and looking to develop their solution with the support of F10, its Coaches, Corporate Members and its extensive Mentor network.

As THE HOME OF FINTECH F10 provides access to the vibrant FinTech ecosystem in Switzerland. The Corporate Members are at the core of the program and a strong backbone on the path to success.

Join us and meet the future of finance

If you are interested in meeting the start-ups during the speed dating event to evaluate potential ideas for your business – please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Key dates Batch IV:

  • 03-14 Dec 18, Opening and Masterclass 1
  • 14-18 Jan 19, Masterclass 2
  • 18-22 Feb 19, Masterclass 3
  • 08-11 Apr 19, Masterclass 4
  • 13-16 May 19, Masterclass 5
  • 16 May 19, Demo day

The story of F10 and PwC Switzerland

Based in Zurich, the F10 accelerator programme was established by SIX Group in 2015 to promote Switzerland's FinTech eco-system, strengthen the innovative capacity of the Swiss finance and insurance sectors, and forge global links. It has been designed for financial firms that want to reach the next level of innovation, providing access to the most promising international FinTech start-ups, radically new technologies and business models. In September 2016, PwC Switzerland and Bank Julius Bär became joint corporate founding members of the association, with the overarching objective of providing a lasting contribution to the development of a state-of-the-art, future-fit Swiss financial sector. The active involvement in the F10 FinTech Incubator & Accelerator is one of PwC Switzerland’s core initiatives to attract innovative and exciting new ideas to Zurich and the Swiss financial services industry.


Christoph Schärer

Tax and Legal Innovation, Transformation & Disruption Leader, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 42 82


Marc Lehmann

Operational Excellence & ESG Transformation Leader, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 26 50
