Crowdlending – Institutionalisation on the rise

Our 2019 Crowdlending study discusses volume, main players and success factors

About this study

The Crowdlending Survey 2019 is the only Swiss study to focus exclusively on the
crowdlending market. It is being conducted this year for the second time in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ of the Lucerne School of Business, and the Swiss Marketplace Lending Association. The purpose of the publication is to draw attention to the increasing economic relevance of crowdlending both in Switzerland and globally. It also sets out to highlight the key challenges and problems facing Swiss crowdlending platforms. The study thus makes an important contribution to transparency in this market. Executives from 11 crowdlending platforms took part in this year’s study. We would like to thank the platforms for their support.

"The Swiss crowdlending market growth slowed down significantly in 2018. While the brokered credit volume increased by 240% in 2017, compared to the previous year, in 2018 a much smaller increase of 40% was recorded. For 2019, we are witnessing growth at a similar level to last year."

Falk von der Heyde, Partner Deals Financial Services, PwC Switzerland


Swiss crowdlending platforms extended over CHF 260 million in loans in 2018.
This corresponds to an increase of 40 % year-over-year, although growth slowed (2017:+240 %). We forecast that the rate of growth in 2019 will be on a par with that in 2018.



The importance of professional investors continues to rise. Whether talking about the market as a whole or a specific platform, the key to being attractive to institutional investors is reaching a critical size. We anticipate that the market could provide a furtherboost to growth again when annual growth reaches around CHF 1.0 billion, since the interest of institutional investors will revive when volumes hit this level.

Customer acquisition

Crowdlending platforms operate in a so-called two-sided market. The acquisition of lenders and borrowers is particularly important. This growth must also be roughly balanced between lenders and borrowers.


Download the study here


Contact us to learn more

Falk von der Heyde

Partner, Deals Financial Services, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 14 21


Adrian Heuermann

Director, Deals Financial Services, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 1517


Manuel Rüdisühli

Assistant Manager, Deals Financial Services, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 4994
