High performing finance talent

The role of financial professionals is changing and individuals in this sector now need to provide added value beyond the traditional focus on core finance skills. High performing finance talent are those individuals who are able to leverage their significant financial acumen to inform wider decision-making and to provide greater support within their organisation.

Adapting to make use of the latest technologies, systems and processes to draw key insight into operational strategic planning will be what sets apart the best in the field from their peers. As a result, it is now essential for organisations to understand how to best make use of the top financial talent, as well as how to attract and retain high performing finance professionals for the greater good of their business.

When to act

  • You have undergone a change in leadership and are pursuing a new finance strategy/have evolving expectations of staff.
  • You are undergoing a significant transformation, i.e. a merger/acquisition.
  • Issues with your finance or controls environment require you to demonstrate remediation or a change in future behaviour.
  • Introduction of new regulation/legislation.
  • You are looking for new ways to enhance your commitment to continued professional development.
  • You have issues of high staff turnover/poor retention.
  • You have faced a significant adverse event and now must demonstrate that lessons have been learnt.

What good looks like

  • Partnering mentality where finance supports the wider business function.
  • Clear understanding of your organisation's talent needs.
  • A blended training approach - incorporating 'on the job' training with formal learning.
  • Talent framework allowing the swift identification of high-fliers.
  • Align career development activities with wider finance strategy and goals.
  • Use of technology and innovative practices to enhance user engagement/learning.
  • Clear career pathways - people understand what is expected of them to progress.
  • Regularly review your existing finance talent, including current performance/needed areas of improvement.

How we can help

  • Share insights from our wide-ranging experience of corporate best practice.
  • Define a compelling case for investment in finance talent.
  • Deliver in-depth strategy to develop/attract high-performing talent.
  • Clearly define roles and career pathways.
  • Monitor progress towards achieving your goals.

Learn more about the Finance Transformation


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Contact us

Roger Kunz-Brenner

Partner, Finance Consulting, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 27 46


Mathilde Droz-Bartholet

Director, Finance Transformation, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 44 00
