M&A Advisory: Health Industries

Transactions in the healthcare sector have been driven in recent years in particular by technical progress, higher cost pressure and the need to increase efficiency. The focus on core activities has resulted in a number of Carve-outs.  Mega-trends such as longer life expectancy and digitalisation are also driving M&A activities.

There is also a growing willingness of public and private investors to invest in robust local health markets. Strategic investors and financial investors see this as the focus for their long-term growth strategies.

What we can do for you

Our Healthcare teams at PwC Switzerland Deals offer you all the services you need to carry out your transaction successfully, whether your company is in the pharma and life sciences sector, a healthcare or care provider, a medtech company or a new digital player in the market. We are your partner with profound industry knowledge and many years of experience when it comes to realising M&A activities with significant added value. We draw on the unique strategic knowledge of PwC’s Strategy& experts and the local expertise of the healthcare teams in our international PwC network for each project.

Our expertise:

  • more than 11,000 PwC experts work for the healthcare industry, 7,000 of them for pharma/life sciences and 4,000 for healthcare services; 4,000 experts work in North America, 3,500 in Europe and around 2,500 in other regions

  • Financial advice (last 10 years) on 4,185 deals worldwide (over USD 460 billion), of which over 40 per cent were cross-border

  • healthcare teams in more than 150 countries, in 743 offices, including regions with innovative clusters and healthcare environments

  • links to over 4,000 health organisations worldwide

An overview of our services

  • Tailor-made transaction advice throughout the cycle, including on pre-deal and exit readiness, M&A, tax structuring, legal and regulatory compliance, valuation, carve-out, post-deal integration and exit value optimisation

  • Analysis of the value creation potential of healthcare deals, spin-offs or divestments, efficient preparation, analysis and execution of the transaction

  • Conducting financial, commercial, operational, IT, tax and legal due diligence

  • All services from a single source thanks to our interdisciplinary approach 

Contact us

Claude Fuhrer

Claude Fuhrer

Partner, Deals Strategy & Operations Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 14 23

Patrick Schwendener, CFA

Patrick Schwendener, CFA

Managing Director, Leiter Deals Gesundheitswesen, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 15 08

Luca Borrelli

Luca Borrelli

Partner, Deals Pharma and Life Sciences Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 22 78